Being candid

I’d like to speak candidly for a moment if I may. There’s no “capital letter” or phonetic cypher encoding a hidden message to my favorite person this time, I’d just like to speak candidly. Hopefully that doesn’t offended anyone, if so then there may be something wrong with you and you may be a miserable person.

Imagine this if you will: There’s a guy sitting holding an iPad right now. He’s sad, just finished crying while praying. He’s sad because he’s had a very difficult life, and there are a few things he has wanted but they were beginning to feel unattainable to him.

Friends, health, peace of mind, and love. These were the things that he had been without for nearly twenty years, and among the little perks like traveling, money, and happiness it was the aforementioned friendships, peace, and health that he missed the most. And love, see since he was around fifteen years of age he had a very specific criteria for the type of woman he desired. He wanted her to be kind, compassionate, video gamer, and avid comic book reader. He also hoped that she would be a Christian or some variation of a “believer”.

As the years passed in his life, and sickness began to really take its toll on his body, suffering became the norm. Things had gotten so dire that he was told by more than one of his physicians that he was not expected to live past the age of twenty two. Being no stranger to faith, nor to religion, nor to sorcery, this guy knew (from experience) of the unseen existence that often interacts with this finite realm.

So subconsciously he didn’t worry too much about that expectation of early death, as he knew it was not up to the foretellers. Low and behold, by the mercy and grace of that which he was made in the image-of, the guy saw age twenty two and ended up hailing it as one of his favorite years for some odd reason. Possibly because he felt it was a testament to the grace he’d been told of by elders.

Today the guy is sad because he is now approaching age thirty four, and he is still without health, friendships, consistent peace of mind as circumstances try hard to prevent that affect from happening, and the one major desire: love. But the very worse part of this is that he feels taunted with these specific desires, as he feels health is right at his fingertips but extremely difficult to obtain. He feels peace of mind seep into his heart, but he’s always reminded of things that are bad.

And love, he has developed (not fallen) a love for a woman who fits the criteria he’s always desired, but he can’t even tell her this or even express his affection, let alone ask her out to the movies or dinner. He can’t even tell her directly that he thinks she is wonderful, for fear of being deemed “creepy”.

See, because of this woman’s prominence and status, he feels that she is far above him and that he is so far out of her league that he would be a fool to think that she would ever even want to sit in the same room with him. Circumstances have made this woman suspicious of any male who knows of her existence, so she has had (or feels like she has) to always suspect him as a potential threat because of her experiences with others.
This is all due to her occupation, which comes with a very dangerous hazard of deceptive people who claim to “love” or idolize her but it’s not always from a place of genuineness.

So because of this unfortunate reality, the guy feels that he cannot tell this woman that over the past five years, just as he was nearing to “give up” she came along and through the months, the brief communications, the brief interaction all be they business related, he became fonder and fonder until he began to adore her.

After being scolded (mercifully) the guy still didn’t lose a single bit of adoration, admiration, or reverence for this woman. Even though she had the wrong idea about him because she had prior experiences with bad people in his position, he still thought the universe of her. And more. But, he still felt he couldn’t dare tell her this as he once foolishly let it slip to a stranger on social media and shortly thereafter, he was scolded. He thought it was because he mentioned his prior “cutting” and was afraid that it disturbed her.

This devastated him, as he wanted her to be okay with him and not uncomfortable with him. But he later, after much contemplation thought it was the revealing of his desire to work with her and become friends, that might’ve bothered her. At first he didn’t understand why the idea of him being interested in her was so off-putting to her, but then he realized it was because of her profession again. In her profession she has many people who want her attention, but also some who want her forcibly or obsessively. There are some who would harm her if given the chance, so she takes to being vigilant and suspicious of people in the guys position, so that she remains safe.

The guy understood this, even though he meant her absolutely no harm and would never hurt her, he understood the cautious nature of her distance. Having been a victim of sexual abuse in his childhood, he knew what it was like to be hurt by someone you let your guard-down to. So he stitched his head back on after the scolding and went on to express his feelings in secret. Specifically in cyphered writings on social media, constant exaltation, and a willingness to advocate her to anyone who lambasted or disparaged her.

The guy is holding his iPad right now, reeling from a moment of doubt and self-denigration in the mirror, where he told himself and the one who’s image he was created in, that he was a fool to think he could ever have fulfillment of such an impossible (impossible for someone like him) desire and he didn’t know why he was still here, why hasn’t he gone ahead and given up. Telling himself that, no, you don’t get to have any of those things, especially that one important desire.

Telling himself and his “God” that he was nothing, and that he deserves all the heartache, lack, rejection, slander by strangers, bullying by family, torment by traumatic events, sickness, and suffering he has endured up to this very moment. Finally, telling himself and his God, that he is a fool to imagine and feel (as Mr. Goddard says) that he has that which he desires to manifest.

But that’s when he felt his God say:
“Weren’t you supposed to have died twelve years ago?”

Dawning: The Age of Shadow

“The most difficult part of talking about her incomparable work is preserving the fourth wall.” – A Guy Named After Fruit

Once again I wish to write about my favorite person, wrestler, and woman, formerly known as Courtney Rush, once known as PJ Tyler. The immaculate goddess, the daemon assassin: Rose Mary.

1. Professionalism: Through the nearly five years that I’ve watched this wrestler she has maintained an unfathomable level of professionalism, even in the face of unmerited lambasting from cowardly brazen disparagers looking to get a rise out of a celebrity.

Her tongue can be laser-sharp when she gets aggravated, and justly so, but she has this humility in the face of such disrespect which is a testament to her maturity and resilience. For those who work with her and those who can genuinely call her “friend” they must consider themselves blessed.

She meticulously preserves her anonymity, stopping intrusive fans dead in their tracks. Even with fans who aren’t prying, she is still vigilant in maintaining her rightful privacy. People ask her about personal business and she isn’t afraid to firmly and diplomatically straighten them out.

2. Creativity: Over the years we’ve seen many personas embodied by the perfect-face & flawless-body of this world class athlete. Starting with the highly underrated and quite under-appreciated PJ Tyler, a rockstar with style and eclecticism to the max. To the beloved revolutionary “Winner-pegger” Courtney Rush, arguably the greatest characterized professional wrestler that’s ever been created. She was limitless, vivacious, charismatic, and the strongest of all the incarnates.

My heart was broken (again) at the proclamation of her being “dead” by the latest persona, RoseMary. Speaking of the devil’s superior, the current and most esoterically sound characterization is known as RoseMary, a clever reference (presumably) to the storied character that bore the seed of Satan.

This new persona which debuted the twenty-sixth of January of two thousand and sixteen on Impact Wrestling, has been extremely propitious and steadily becoming her most recognizable work to date.

3. Adroitness: I could very well write an entire blog about the “cleverity” of this woman. I use the term deft a lot when describing her ideas, not just because that’s my favorite band but because she is the deftest. One of the deft ones if you will (and I have) of her craft. Her reinvention of herself almost seems dangerous. I remember listening to an interview where she mentioned an advantage to starting her career at a later age than commonly seen, siting an already established maturity level as the advantage.

Each character has had such a rich personality that her fans have loved every single one of them. Personally, I will always love Courtney. But PJ was rad’er than people gave her credit for, and Rose Mary’s just way out there. A bit boxed-in as far as her actual wrestling style but very appealing to the masses.

What I meant by “boxed-in” is something I noticed during a match with Toni Storm at WXW in Germany. In the match I noticed Rose Mary pausing to do the intimidation tactics, and then there’s the mist, and then the snarling at the referee: all super cool stuff, but also somewhat limiting.

Think back to Rush, during her matches she didn’t do those things because they weren’t part of that personality, but she did do more classic wrestling. Just to be clear, this isn’t a complaint about Rose Mary but rather an observation.

Think back to ’91 ‘Taker, how he moved slowly and was really never knocked down to the mat, and never showed emotion during. All that was awesome, but it was limited when you compared it to the ’96 version of ‘Taker (my favorite) especially in that great match with BDC Diesel. And then compare those with this recent ‘Taker, he shows a wider range of motion and maneuverability now.

Rose Mary is still in her infancy, the personality still has much time to be fine-tuned, if her creator sees fit to do so. She’s really darn-near perfect as it is, fleshed-out exquisitely in her social media verbiage and promo videos.

4. Gratefulness: Some celebrities, entertainers, popular people will have this air of haughtiness about them, seeing themselves as far above the fans that idolize them. This is not so, when it comes to this individual. She takes the time (and utilizes the integrity) to acknowledge her fans, and express gratitude for their support and advocacy.

Recently I’ve watched the Smash Wrestling event entitled ‘Something Different’ where she wrestled Penelope Ford. After the match, a pint-sized fan sitting in the front row had what was frankly the absolute sweetest moment I’ve ever seen in this sport.

Fan art, graphics designs, music videos, even tweets of praise and exaltation: nothing is missed. She takes time out of her unimaginably busy schedule to show her appreciation for her fans. That’s kind of rare with such a highly demanded talent as she.

With so many people vying for her attention you would think that she would just give up and ignore everyone, but she selflessly takes the time to respond to her fans.

5. Athleticism: Watching her in-ring performances you can’t help but marvel at her abilities. Once proclaiming herself to be “not graceful at all” she has contradicted that self-assessment with nine years of study-worthy matches, irresistible physical appearances, and ingenious promo material.

Her words, her words are on a different level of brilliance. And this’s coming from me, a guy who’s been writing since she would’ve been in college. Inspirational would be an understatement, she is beyond influential. One day, I will cast her in my written films where she will play the starring role.

Follow the leader:
on twitter: @WeAreRosemary
on instagram: @wearerosemary

Perceived Exaltation 

If you frequent social media then you may have seen how some people interact with celebrities. People in the entertainment industry who are famous and popular in the mainstream media. Both male and female celebrities have a wide range of fans: from the causal “Love your work.” types, to the overzealous “Oh my god, you’re my idol!” types. Both can be quite respectable in their interactions and both can make a celebrity’s experience on social media a pleasant and exciting one.

But there is also another spectrum of fandom in society. This one includes fans who’s opinions are more based in their core of heart, be-it admiration or spite. These particular fans, whichever end of the spectrum they’re on, they are either positive or negative purely. From the unconditionally adoring “You’ve inspired me, I’m with you no matter what.” types, to the spitefully aspersing “You suck, and I hope you die.” types.

Both can be quite revealing in their extremes and both can come-off as unexpectedly perturbing, to a degree. But I would say that both are somewhat necessary as the prior example (the adoring type) is the type to stick by you no matter what, and the latter (the disparaging type) keep you cautious and vigilant.

As fans (and admirers) some of us tend to forget that these are still flawed human beings. They have dreams, aspirations, fears, obsessions, habits, beliefs, convictions, phobias (probably not Public Speaking though), and desires. They are educated on somethings, they are uneducated on somethings, they have perspectives and opinions, they make mistakes and sometimes bad choices, they have responsibilities and concerns. They are not perfect (well, one of them is, to me) but their popularity does not make them any-less merited of respect.

Some people get lost in the fantasy of watching this profession, and forget that the individual portraying a character is still a living being and is to be respected as such.

Old Man of Sorrows

The following is my review of the 2017 film ‘Logan’ and does contain spoilers.

Firstly, this film is exceptionally performed as an action and suspense piece. The visuals, although subtle at times will hit you later on after viewing the scenes. The action was played out in a manner that is pleasing to both comic enthusiasts, as well as fans of the previous X-men based films who may not be familiar with the comic roots.

Secondly, the level of violence in the film has been highly sought-after since the first cinematic portrayal of “Wolverine”. It wasn’t gratuitous, and although the film is based in science fiction the gore was quite realistic as well as gratifying. Tasteful brutality.


Thirdly, accuracy to the source material is something that I personally look for in a comic book adaptation. This film was close enough as far as individual traits of the protagonist, and the mini-protagonist/agitator if you will. If you’re familiar with the comic version of Wolverine then you know that all the man wants is peace but just when he has finally found it, it is snatched away through the mayhem that follows him. A true “man of sorrows” if ever there had been one. This film captured that (without elaborating on it though) but really could’ve stretched a few more films out with it.

Fourthly, the pace of the film is excellent in my opinion. I’m sure some editors would assume that comic book readers want a quick, fast-paced romp of a film with cheap visuals and one-liners to amuse a juvenile angst within them. But that couldn’t be further from the truth of many of us who were anticipating this film. The pace is perfect in this film, not rushing itself but taking its time to knead the dough and get all that air out. By the end, after you take it out of the oven, you’ve got a very well-made and scrumptious Marvel bakery classic.

Fifthly, and really my only major complaint of the film was the use of expletives as filler words. The only well-place use of “Fudge Usually Coats Kit-kats” was an argument scene. The rest were kind of just cursing for the sake of filling a rating. And don’t get me started on the completely unnecessary “nipple shot”. To be honest, I would’ve preferred a flashback of Weapon X naked Logan, or some gruesome castration scene to help earn that rating.

Sixthly, the film’s story which borrowed from different comic story arcs (without giving away too much) was not as predictable as it may’ve seemed. To avoid any ultra-spoilers I’ll just leave it at that.

For me as a lifelong Marvel comic reader, I loved the film. It was the wolverine movie that I’ve always wanted to see, and simultaneously the film I was afraid of ever having to see. If that makes sense. 9.5/10

In The Company of Dignity

Recently, professional wrestler & pod-caster supreme, Mr. Colt Cabana released an episode of his podcast ‘Art of Wrestling’ featuring one of my three favorite people & favorite-favorite wrestlers. I finally got to listen to it, and now I’m going to give my invaluable perspective on it.

I’ve been inspired by this individual (his guest) she has been extremely kind to me and forgiven me when I was a different person. After listening to what she has gone through, the trails and adversity she’s had to face and how she has dealt with it all: I now know why The Creator brought her to my attention nearly five years ago. Let’s just say that we have more in common than I thought. She has this humility and integrity that I don’t see so often, she and the other two who I hope will be interviewed by Mr. C. someday.

To face such ignorance from people that don’t even know her, and so much aspersion from people who’ve never even met her, and still maintain this dignity and maturity that she does: is nothing short of inspiring. She doesn’t know it, but she has inspired me to being more mature & less disagreeable. She’s been a real blessing, as the others have but with her there’s this commonality that exists.

Please check out this episode of ‘Art of Wrestling’ so far it is my favorite since Mr. Punk’s first sit-down. Major props to this lady, this wonderful spirit enclosed in an amazing body (hope that didn’t sound creeptacular) and my endless respect.

Art of Wrestling: Episode 338

The Daemon Assassin

Today marks the anniversary of the spawning of a phenomenal character. One year ago, a beloved wrestler made her nationally televised debut as a brilliant and ghastly new persona deftly named, Rose-Mary. 

Showing off her honed acting chops, the beloved wrestler known the world-over (pun intended) as Courtney Rush, brilliantly conjured up this idea to galvanize all the frustration, all the anguish, all the bitterness and fury, all the hatred and sadism and alchemically reform this broken down matter into an energy that would go on to resonate with viewers from all different demographics. Who knew solid gold could decompose so.

For an entire year the eclectically unique, yet often mis-compared Rosemary has been logically placed in storylines that seem fitted for feature-length film, but have been awarded to faithful Impact viewers who kept a focused interest through the perceived and rumored rough patches. Often being the center of attention, not for her immaculate beauty which despite her best efforts cannot be veiled, but for the sheer deftness she exudes every time she’s on screen.

Spectators have yet to see the full depth of this persona. Her idea has so much depth, that it goes beyond just mere horrifying, to actually becoming intriguing. We were given a small taste of her past and origin some months ago, however, as any great writer knows it’s not the origin that makes the character, it’s the constant opportunity for multiple arrivals that they can be brought to.

In time we will continue to see, not the evolution of this character as they are already evolved, but the history that it’s set to make. Lots of names are presented in this particular industry, this craft, this business, but this name is a draw. Over the months since their conception, fans, promoters, other practitioners of the craft have all begun to fall in love with this idea. Videos, tributes, artistry, so many praises and adoring efforts to this one personified idea. Entertaining is only one result of her efforts, she also enlightens, she also inspires.

Today marks the anniversary of the spawning of a phenomenal character. One year ago, a beloved wrestler made her nationally televised debut as a brilliant and ghastly new persona deftly named, Rose-Mary. 
Showing off her honed acting chops, the beloved wrestler known the world-over (pun intended) as Courtney Rush, brilliantly conjured up this idea to galvanize all the frustration, all the anguish, all the bitterness and fury, all the hatred and sadism and alchemically reform this broken down matter into an energy that would go on to resonate with viewers from all different demographics. Who knew solid gold could decompose so.

For an entire year the eclectically unique, yet often mis-compared Rosemary has been logically placed in storylines that seem fitted for feature-length film, but have been awarded to faithful Impact viewers who kept a focused interest through the perceived and rumored rough patches. Often being the center of attention, not for her immaculate beauty which despite her best efforts cannot be veiled, but for the sheer deftness she exudes every time she’s on screen.

Spectators have yet to see the full depth of this persona. Her idea has so much depth, that it goes beyond just mere horrifying, to actually becoming intriguing. We were given a small taste of her past and origin some months ago, however, as any great writer knows it’s not the origin that makes the character, it’s the constant opportunity for multiple arrivals that they can be brought to.

In time we will continue to see, not the evolution of this character as they are already evolved, but the history that it’s set to make. Lots of names are presented in this particular industry, this craft, this business, but this name is a draw. Over the months since their conception, fans, promoters, other practitioners of the craft have all begun to fall in love with this idea. Videos, tributes, artistry, so many praises and adoring efforts to this one personified idea. Entertaining is only one result of her efforts, she also enlightens, she also inspires.

Years from now, this name will be synonymous with another phenomenal character. One day, the others will see her as I do: right up there with Undertaker. 

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Twitter: @WeAreRosemary

Levy’s Perrier

Some of us who are the most lovable, are hurting the most inside. We are tormented. We are such an unconditional love, we share it with the world but the world can be so apathetic. We get hurt because we share our love, the empathy that the world is afraid to embrace. They spit it back at us, and chew us out and bite our head off.

But please don’t let this discourage you, if you’re a so-called “Empath” please don’t let this world change you. Don’t deny your empathy, as a means of “survival” or self-preservation. Don’t be afraid to be completely selfless. Our ability to bear the pain and hurt from being so affectionate and open, is what separates us from the heartless. It is our true strength.

​Learn to alchemize the pain they willfully induce, and if you say you love them then let that love be stronger than their fear. Let it be unwavering, no matter how much it hurts. Don’t ever let their apathy, which is the start of hatred, don’t ever let it dictate your empathy, which is the start of love.


The Reverent 

I was taught gossip is wrong, so instead of talking about others, I talk about Myself, and we discuss Me. I’ve been referring to myself in the since my youth, it’s lighthearted and doesn’t insult anyone. For a society that’s always shouting “Who are you to judge?” I get judged all the time.

It’s confusing. First they say “Be yourself, don’t let anyone define you!” But then they tell you that you’re this & you’re that, and you’re made to feel abject. Some people tell me not to worry about being scolded, that it’s not me but rather the person scolding.

I already felt emasculated after that bully of a relative came over with her son and pushed me around for using an expletive in a phone conversation with a different person. Yeah, that’s how Ultra-Sensitive Confrontational & Racist Black Women tend to act. They think they can be as obnoxious, noses, and abrasive as they want, and the world has to acquiesce to them because – Black Queen. Get over yourself.

It bothered me to be pushed around by an older female and her partially-autistic son whom I helped raise since they moved in the area twenty years ago. This was back in October, and even though I wasn’t hearing much from my adored at the time (now I know why) I was able to get through this because the very site of her on a video, or a picture posted online was elating to me. I tweeted that lyric to her and the other two once: “As soon as you came in, all the beast went away.” Now I’ve learned that she probably thought that was creepy and/or pathetic.​

I try to go on about my days, pretending to be okay but the truth is that peace I had while thinking she was okay with me, that all three are okay with me: I can’t feel it anymore. Every day, I well up in tears. What’s worse than being hated by those you adore? Being meaningless to them.​​​ ​​

But there is hope, The Creator is hope. And he will show my adored that all of my intentions were positive, and all of my actions were not malicious. The world, my family, and some random people may hate me, or they may see me as meaningless. But those three, so long as those three are okay with me, I am blessed.

The Rising Elite

Although I’ve written about this for a few years already, I’d like to talk about it now. How “women’s wrestling” rekindled my love for professional wrestling. I put quotations on the phrase because I am one who prefers to call it wrestling only. I don’t use the term “diva” either, as wrestler is enough.

These females are equal, some better, and some worse than the male wrestlers. So I don’t use a different term to imply that it’s a different concept. But, I do tend to favor the women more so than the men, but that’s because it has always been my preference to see strong women portrayed. I’ve seen many strong men, so it’s more of a commonality, making strong women more exotic to mainstream.

As a small child I loved wrestling, but I drifted away from it. Ironically during the time a certain video game was released in nineteen-ninety two. I stopped watching, and developed a disdain for it. Keep in mind, I was not aware of independent wrestling at the time. Fast forward about three or four years, and I’m playing a video game entitled ‘WrestleMania’ ironically developed by the same company who made the aforementioned fighting game that accompanied my withdrawal from wrestling.

I became interested and was informed that I could see these characters every Monday night. Flipping through the channels one Monday evening, I came across a blonde-haired woman suplexing a Japanese woman with very tall hair. I became intrigued. For he next six years, I would swear by wrestling but the majority of them would be male. My favorite was The Hitman, whom I saw as “Real” in comparison to the others.

I would faithfully enjoy this thing called wrestling, right up until I began seeing things that I found distasteful and uncomfortable to watch. I sat through necrophilia, sodomy, simulated sexual assault, and even the extraction of a hand from the vaginal cavity of an elderly woman. All of with I personally found to be disgusting, I remained a faithful viewer, ready to defend it at the drop of a hat. But it was the moment I saw The Innovator of Violence eat a handful of his own vomit, that I asked myself: “Why am I watching this?”

Fast forward several years later, and having been away from it but only watching the big pay-per-view matches, I saw a man who captured my attention. He had initials for a first name, and professed himself to be drug free. I began watching again briefly, and was surprised (and relieved in a way) to see a different atmosphere. More focus on wrestling, and less interest in grossing me out. I was pleased, but not as enthusiastic as I once was.
Low and behold, during a very (very) dark time in my life, I went searching for “Chun-Li Cosplays” on YouTube one day. I found a video of 5he character in a wrestling ring, the light ray emerged, and the angelic harmony could be heard. What was this? I had discovered Independent Wrestling.

Watching that Chun-Li match lead me to something called Shine Wrestling, which lead me to something called Shimmer. My life was literally changed, as I now felt even more enthusiastic about professional wrestling than I did years ago. These women were amazing, so athletic, so fast, so skilled, so creative. Their style, their ingenuity, their personas, I was overwhelmed by it all. Three became my favorites in particular. I don’t want to put them on the spot here because two of them are quite scary, and the other is like Sarah Connor.

For almost five years now, I have been watching all of these women whom I’ve dubbed ‘Indy Goddesses’ because they embody the purest sense of independence in their craft. Thanks to these women, my love for this craft of professional wrestling has become absolute. They have shown me an authenticity that up until five years ago, I didn’t know existed. So, I have had the pleasure and privilege of watching independent wrestling (the purest form of wrestling) unfurl and continuously gain recognition.

The Deft Ones of Their Craft

As a lifelong (nearly) fan/admirer of the craft that is Professional Wrestling, I have seen many different practitioners perform. Many from the brilliance of their own creative mind, and some with the inspiration of others. Some original, and some eclectic, but usually noticeable in some manner be it positively, or negatively.

As a fan I had to learn my place especially on Social Media, and realize that I needed to address and approach them as their personas. Some fans might use the phrase “playing along” but I am reluctant to out of respect to this being the wrestler’s livelihood (or significant hobby) in fact, the wrestlers I adore are independent and it is most definitely their livelihood, rather than just a “for fun only” hobby. Lord knows I try to keep from overstepping my boundaries, but I’m afraid I slip up every known and then.

But thankfully, I have had the blessed pleasure of interacting with the very mature, very dignified and humble people. People who, despite having “blue checks”, still haven’t let their success go to their heads. They haven’t lost touch with reality, humanity, and their integrity, even the one that gets super-deep into character. She gets so deep into character, satan has to look down at her. But you know what, she is one of the most pleasantly thoughtful people I have ever virtually-met.

She knows how to remain her person and separate that from her professional personal, and that’s one of (if not the) most wonderful attributes about Professional Wrestlers. Of course it’s fun to maintain a character during an unexpected time, I do it quite often myself.
But sometimes you enjoy seeing your favorite being normal. I’ll never forget that picture of Luna Vachon driving a truck. I remember thinking: “God she’s beautiful, and just a normal lady!” That was some years ago, but today I get to see that still.

Let’s take two of my three favorite-favorites for example, one of whom I mentioned previously as getting so deep into character. One of them is frightening, and the other is horrifying. They both give me the feeling that my days are number, and certain death is imminent. But you know what, these are two of the kindest, generous, forgiving, empathetic people.

The third’s persona isn’t really known for intimidation, but when she’s crossed, folks get crucified. She doesn’t have a mean-streak, she has a mean reckoning when she gets good & ready. I won’t name these three, ’cause I’m too young to die, but they know who they are. 🌹 😜 💀