Category Archives: My Soul

Being candid

I’d like to speak candidly for a moment if I may. There’s no “capital letter” or phonetic cypher encoding a hidden message to my favorite person this time, I’d just like to speak candidly. Hopefully that doesn’t offended anyone, if so then there may be something wrong with you and you may be a miserable person.

Imagine this if you will: There’s a guy sitting holding an iPad right now. He’s sad, just finished crying while praying. He’s sad because he’s had a very difficult life, and there are a few things he has wanted but they were beginning to feel unattainable to him.

Friends, health, peace of mind, and love. These were the things that he had been without for nearly twenty years, and among the little perks like traveling, money, and happiness it was the aforementioned friendships, peace, and health that he missed the most. And love, see since he was around fifteen years of age he had a very specific criteria for the type of woman he desired. He wanted her to be kind, compassionate, video gamer, and avid comic book reader. He also hoped that she would be a Christian or some variation of a “believer”.

As the years passed in his life, and sickness began to really take its toll on his body, suffering became the norm. Things had gotten so dire that he was told by more than one of his physicians that he was not expected to live past the age of twenty two. Being no stranger to faith, nor to religion, nor to sorcery, this guy knew (from experience) of the unseen existence that often interacts with this finite realm.

So subconsciously he didn’t worry too much about that expectation of early death, as he knew it was not up to the foretellers. Low and behold, by the mercy and grace of that which he was made in the image-of, the guy saw age twenty two and ended up hailing it as one of his favorite years for some odd reason. Possibly because he felt it was a testament to the grace he’d been told of by elders.

Today the guy is sad because he is now approaching age thirty four, and he is still without health, friendships, consistent peace of mind as circumstances try hard to prevent that affect from happening, and the one major desire: love. But the very worse part of this is that he feels taunted with these specific desires, as he feels health is right at his fingertips but extremely difficult to obtain. He feels peace of mind seep into his heart, but he’s always reminded of things that are bad.

And love, he has developed (not fallen) a love for a woman who fits the criteria he’s always desired, but he can’t even tell her this or even express his affection, let alone ask her out to the movies or dinner. He can’t even tell her directly that he thinks she is wonderful, for fear of being deemed “creepy”.

See, because of this woman’s prominence and status, he feels that she is far above him and that he is so far out of her league that he would be a fool to think that she would ever even want to sit in the same room with him. Circumstances have made this woman suspicious of any male who knows of her existence, so she has had (or feels like she has) to always suspect him as a potential threat because of her experiences with others.
This is all due to her occupation, which comes with a very dangerous hazard of deceptive people who claim to “love” or idolize her but it’s not always from a place of genuineness.

So because of this unfortunate reality, the guy feels that he cannot tell this woman that over the past five years, just as he was nearing to “give up” she came along and through the months, the brief communications, the brief interaction all be they business related, he became fonder and fonder until he began to adore her.

After being scolded (mercifully) the guy still didn’t lose a single bit of adoration, admiration, or reverence for this woman. Even though she had the wrong idea about him because she had prior experiences with bad people in his position, he still thought the universe of her. And more. But, he still felt he couldn’t dare tell her this as he once foolishly let it slip to a stranger on social media and shortly thereafter, he was scolded. He thought it was because he mentioned his prior “cutting” and was afraid that it disturbed her.

This devastated him, as he wanted her to be okay with him and not uncomfortable with him. But he later, after much contemplation thought it was the revealing of his desire to work with her and become friends, that might’ve bothered her. At first he didn’t understand why the idea of him being interested in her was so off-putting to her, but then he realized it was because of her profession again. In her profession she has many people who want her attention, but also some who want her forcibly or obsessively. There are some who would harm her if given the chance, so she takes to being vigilant and suspicious of people in the guys position, so that she remains safe.

The guy understood this, even though he meant her absolutely no harm and would never hurt her, he understood the cautious nature of her distance. Having been a victim of sexual abuse in his childhood, he knew what it was like to be hurt by someone you let your guard-down to. So he stitched his head back on after the scolding and went on to express his feelings in secret. Specifically in cyphered writings on social media, constant exaltation, and a willingness to advocate her to anyone who lambasted or disparaged her.

The guy is holding his iPad right now, reeling from a moment of doubt and self-denigration in the mirror, where he told himself and the one who’s image he was created in, that he was a fool to think he could ever have fulfillment of such an impossible (impossible for someone like him) desire and he didn’t know why he was still here, why hasn’t he gone ahead and given up. Telling himself that, no, you don’t get to have any of those things, especially that one important desire.

Telling himself and his “God” that he was nothing, and that he deserves all the heartache, lack, rejection, slander by strangers, bullying by family, torment by traumatic events, sickness, and suffering he has endured up to this very moment. Finally, telling himself and his God, that he is a fool to imagine and feel (as Mr. Goddard says) that he has that which he desires to manifest.

But that’s when he felt his God say:
“Weren’t you supposed to have died twelve years ago?”

The Daemon Assassin

Today marks the anniversary of the spawning of a phenomenal character. One year ago, a beloved wrestler made her nationally televised debut as a brilliant and ghastly new persona deftly named, Rose-Mary. 

Showing off her honed acting chops, the beloved wrestler known the world-over (pun intended) as Courtney Rush, brilliantly conjured up this idea to galvanize all the frustration, all the anguish, all the bitterness and fury, all the hatred and sadism and alchemically reform this broken down matter into an energy that would go on to resonate with viewers from all different demographics. Who knew solid gold could decompose so.

For an entire year the eclectically unique, yet often mis-compared Rosemary has been logically placed in storylines that seem fitted for feature-length film, but have been awarded to faithful Impact viewers who kept a focused interest through the perceived and rumored rough patches. Often being the center of attention, not for her immaculate beauty which despite her best efforts cannot be veiled, but for the sheer deftness she exudes every time she’s on screen.

Spectators have yet to see the full depth of this persona. Her idea has so much depth, that it goes beyond just mere horrifying, to actually becoming intriguing. We were given a small taste of her past and origin some months ago, however, as any great writer knows it’s not the origin that makes the character, it’s the constant opportunity for multiple arrivals that they can be brought to.

In time we will continue to see, not the evolution of this character as they are already evolved, but the history that it’s set to make. Lots of names are presented in this particular industry, this craft, this business, but this name is a draw. Over the months since their conception, fans, promoters, other practitioners of the craft have all begun to fall in love with this idea. Videos, tributes, artistry, so many praises and adoring efforts to this one personified idea. Entertaining is only one result of her efforts, she also enlightens, she also inspires.

Today marks the anniversary of the spawning of a phenomenal character. One year ago, a beloved wrestler made her nationally televised debut as a brilliant and ghastly new persona deftly named, Rose-Mary. 
Showing off her honed acting chops, the beloved wrestler known the world-over (pun intended) as Courtney Rush, brilliantly conjured up this idea to galvanize all the frustration, all the anguish, all the bitterness and fury, all the hatred and sadism and alchemically reform this broken down matter into an energy that would go on to resonate with viewers from all different demographics. Who knew solid gold could decompose so.

For an entire year the eclectically unique, yet often mis-compared Rosemary has been logically placed in storylines that seem fitted for feature-length film, but have been awarded to faithful Impact viewers who kept a focused interest through the perceived and rumored rough patches. Often being the center of attention, not for her immaculate beauty which despite her best efforts cannot be veiled, but for the sheer deftness she exudes every time she’s on screen.

Spectators have yet to see the full depth of this persona. Her idea has so much depth, that it goes beyond just mere horrifying, to actually becoming intriguing. We were given a small taste of her past and origin some months ago, however, as any great writer knows it’s not the origin that makes the character, it’s the constant opportunity for multiple arrivals that they can be brought to.

In time we will continue to see, not the evolution of this character as they are already evolved, but the history that it’s set to make. Lots of names are presented in this particular industry, this craft, this business, but this name is a draw. Over the months since their conception, fans, promoters, other practitioners of the craft have all begun to fall in love with this idea. Videos, tributes, artistry, so many praises and adoring efforts to this one personified idea. Entertaining is only one result of her efforts, she also enlightens, she also inspires.

Years from now, this name will be synonymous with another phenomenal character. One day, the others will see her as I do: right up there with Undertaker. 

Check them out on Facebook:

Apparel available Online:

Twitter: @WeAreRosemary

Blessed Torment

There’s a Fan out there in cyberspace who just loves the people he follows. He spends his free time (often putting others aside to make more) working on gestures to show his adoration. Drawings, edited music videos, entire blog entries, and even craft works like figurines et-cetera.

At first the Fan was acknowledged for his efforts, something he didn’t take for granted as he so wants to express his adoring of the them. Then suddenly, as the Fan began to rush the completion of a music video for them that he’d been working on (on and off) for months, he completed it and shared it to his beloved favorite, but to response.

The fan thought perhaps they were too busy, and needed more time, but time passed and with out response. This reminded the Fan just how world renown his beloved already was, and how easily the notification of his video could easily become lost in a sea of more important notifications of the beloved favorite. So he would send again, and then again, and then again, but nothing. He became confused, and worried.

During this time the Fan would see others sending to his beloved favorite, and quite often they would be acknowledged. The Fan tried to brush this off as coincidence, but the more frequent it became, and the more he noticed that every single attempt he made had failed to be acknowledged, the more hurt he became. He thought: “What did I do?”
Prior to this time he and his favorite had rapport that he cherished, and enjoyed to the fullest. Feeling a kinship in characteristics like their adoration for children, and compassion, and their love for artistry, for instance.

The Fan was quite elated with his beloved favorite, and constantly prayed in thanks for having a cyber-friendship on social media with them. Something he always wanted since watching his beloved favorite perform their respective craft, but was afraid to express verbally after being labeled as “creepy” for doing so to another whom he adored. The Fan already knew that the world wasn’t too keen on empathy, and it saw empathy as weird and strange because everyone was so used to cynicism and apathy. But he was determined to keep that common perception from changing his individual spirit.

The Fan continued to work, often sick and ill from his near-two decades of Glomerulonephritis, tirelessly trying to press through and show his beloved favorite, not just “how much” he adored “them” but how purely he adored his beloved favorite. He wanted to show how he appreciates them, and even though he merely likes other practitioners of their craft he adored three in particular. He continued, but still without avail.

Although it hurt the Fan to feel singled-out for what seemed like neglect, he remained devoted to his beloved favorite often focusing all of his efforts on them. His philosophy was that of integrity, as he thought to do so much or sake of his love and respect for them, rather than for attention and acknowledgments. His beloved favorite would certainly put this philosophy to the test, as soon the weeks turned into months and the fan looked back and saw no responses what so ever, all while continuing to see other receive.

The Fan wanted desperately to please his beloved favorite with his art, or his visionary editing efforts. He even wanted to amuse them with esoterically coded blog writings, but each time no idea rather it was received. 

He began to move into a much needed return to prayer and fasting, using the torment he felt, as fuel to press through the difficulty of pursuing his physical goals. He would speak to his Creator daily, asking for just one sign that his beloved appreciated his work, or even thought him to be swell.

As of this very moment he remains in the most tried of faith, as he waits.


Some men have spent much time being obnoxious and now their are women who want ‘the right” to be equally as disgusting. When I see men being perverted and treating women as though they are objects of lust I always depend on my precious females to stand up and be the civilized, honorable, humble creatures that they were created to be. However, what I am seeing today especially, is women taking this “oh you get to act up so I wanna act up” attitude.

Every man with a good woman (and believe me they are as hard to find as they say we are) in his life knows that when he falls, when he fails: that woman is always there to pick him up, to show him the way, to encourage him, to set an example! Be it a girlfriend, a wife, a mother, an auntie, a friend or even a sister. But when our women are doing things as dishonorable as the men have for so long, well who’s going to carry on the will of our Heavenly Father? Who’s going to set the critical example for our extremely impressionable children?

I recently saw a TV Spot for a new film to be released this month, featuring male strippers. Several years ago I remember, there was a film starring actress Demi Moore which featured female strippers. I am very against stripping. That’s right! I am a heterosexual man that disagrees with stripping…gasp! I also don’t give a care about sports. I wash my own clothes. I hate “Spike TV” network and I multitask around my house on almost a daily basis. I’m not your typical media-suggested idea of a “guy”. I disagree with stripping because it conveys sin in my eyes. I think women dancing on a pole is wrong and since I don’t discriminate when it comes to the discernment of sin, I see a man gyrating in a woman’s faces equally as wrong. Why is it wrong?!

First, the scripture says “your sanctification is the will of Yahweh. Abstain from sexual immorality so that you may control your own body in holiness and honor”. That’s what’s wrong with doing the act of stripping, now what’s wrong with watching it? The scripture again is very clear “if anyone looks at another with lust they have committed an adultery in there heart”.

Now those are the very words of Yahushua the anointed son of The Creator! Looking at a person strip, ogling, shouting, your admiring beauty, you’re lusting after them. You know that. They know that. And The Creator knows that. Those words of Christ completely debunk the argument that “oh it’s only looking! I’m not actually touching anyone! I’m not actually sleeping with them” But He said to look lustfully is enough.

I have always had an abundance of respect for women, more than respect: admiration. But when I see women being as vile as men can be, I feel heart broken. The pimp on the street disgusts me but the prostitute whom he sells as an object, well she makes me sad. And angry. I just want to tell her hey! you are so much more that this! you are a woman! God was not about to create this world without you! Life is nothing without you! respect yourself! you’ve got a brain and a heart so get off that pole, that goes for the stripper and the porn-star.

I know most have looked down on women for quite some time (centuries) but I encourage women to remember who and what they are: Gracious Intelligent Righteous Loyal Spectacular!

From A Fan but More so An Admirere

(reposted from my original blog)

I’d like to say something about my favorite sport, Professional Wrestling. I’ve always loved pro wrestling especially women’s pro wrestling. I recently discovered a purer, more authentic form of pro wrestling known as the Independent Circuit or “Indies”

I’ve been blessed with a promotion called “Shine” and another called “Shimmer” my beloved ADHD would eventually settle, allowing me to make a connection between the two but please excuse my digression. I have become quite fond of my new found group of ladies, whom I’d love to Name-drop right now…

Courtney Rush
Christina Von Eerie
Heidi Lovelace
Daffney Ungar
KC Spinelli
Solo Darling
Su Yung
Alpha Female
Mia Yim
Jessicka Havok
Rhia O’Reilly
Kellie Slater
Kana Urai
Veda Scott (vay-da)
Saraya Knight
Mercedes Martinez
Sassy Stephie
Taylor Made
Ayako Hamada
and the holy grail of all people in and out of this universe, Leva Bates

These amazing, dynamic, strong, creative, outstanding, divine women have not only renewed my interest in the sport but have also opened my heart to an all new respect for their craft. I see wresting a lot differently after discovering the independent promotions. I have affectionately dubbed it Gourmet Wrestling as to say that it has more heart, more soul (without having sold any) than the popularized so called Big-Time promotion.

Which is why I DON’T want to see my favorite ladies in that promotion. I enjoy watching them WRESTLE! I don’t want them paraded around as “eye candy” objects only good for “whackJobs”. I am one of those strange guys that does not enjoy the objectification of women. These ladies are all beautiful and I mean freakishly gorgeous but they can also wrestle and very very greatly, at that! But them being easy-on-the-eyes is just a bonus to watching them.

Their abilities, their agility is much more exciting to witness and if they go in to that “Big Promotion” then they’ll be reduced to something to look at once a week. For less than 6 minutes at a time. And that scares me.

I love watching these wonderful ladies and I want them to be rewarded, and compensated for their unfathomably hard work. But I do NOT want them to be denied their opportunity to perform their craft to their fullest potential.
They are wrestlers
They are not “divas”
They are Indy Goddesses.