Category Archives: Aspersion Casters

In The Company of Dignity

Recently, professional wrestler & pod-caster supreme, Mr. Colt Cabana released an episode of his podcast ‘Art of Wrestling’ featuring one of my three favorite people & favorite-favorite wrestlers. I finally got to listen to it, and now I’m going to give my invaluable perspective on it.

I’ve been inspired by this individual (his guest) she has been extremely kind to me and forgiven me when I was a different person. After listening to what she has gone through, the trails and adversity she’s had to face and how she has dealt with it all: I now know why The Creator brought her to my attention nearly five years ago. Let’s just say that we have more in common than I thought. She has this humility and integrity that I don’t see so often, she and the other two who I hope will be interviewed by Mr. C. someday.

To face such ignorance from people that don’t even know her, and so much aspersion from people who’ve never even met her, and still maintain this dignity and maturity that she does: is nothing short of inspiring. She doesn’t know it, but she has inspired me to being more mature & less disagreeable. She’s been a real blessing, as the others have but with her there’s this commonality that exists.

Please check out this episode of ‘Art of Wrestling’ so far it is my favorite since Mr. Punk’s first sit-down. Major props to this lady, this wonderful spirit enclosed in an amazing body (hope that didn’t sound creeptacular) and my endless respect.

Art of Wrestling: Episode 338

Refusal To Support Bullies

Please watch this video first:

The Negativity Behind The Film

Linked above is the informative video that shows why I am reluctant to spend money on the new ‘Ghostbusters’ film. As a huge fan of the original franchise (movies, cartoon, games, toys, etc) I was excited to see this reboot.

I was not one of the people who preassumed the film to be to my disliking, without having watched it first. And the original trailer wasn’t bad to me, it looked like your average “run of the mill” trailer.

What changed my mind was the disparaging comments from such assumed professionals as Paul Feig, and Melissa Mcarthy. Both whom surprised me with their sexist statements (McCarthy’s) and asperse remarks (Feig’s) both aimed specifically towards Males who had no desire to view the film.

Neither of them said anything negative about the many females who publicly lambasted the film, and even told viewers to avoid it. McCarthy and Feig said nothing about them.

So because of this targeted negativity towards Males (in particular) I do not wish to spend money and support Feig or Macarthy after they insulting people. As an egalitarian I am equally as oppsed to men being bashed, as I am to women being bashed.

Sexism directed toward Males isn’t excusable just because Females faced it first. So anyone who finds the lambasting of Males to be something humorous, is a hypocrite and a sexist: just as one who finds the lambasting of Females to be humorous would be.

On principle, I will not spend money to watch this film.

Obnoxiously Casting Disparages 

Very disgusted in people yet again.

Tonight is ‘Impact Wrestling’ night, where I gleefully tune into The Pop Network (via PS4’s Vue App) to watch the broadcast in HD.

But tonight (June 14th 2016 AD BR) the network experienced technical difficulties in broadcasting the program. The response from a large portion of the apparent viewers is repulsive, immature, juvenile, and vastly ignorant.

Instead of them being patient and understanding that technology is not immaculate, they decided to heckle the promotion and spout some of the most pointless disparaging & cynical remarks that they could come up with.

And each of them thinks their words are amusing, further affirming the stereotype of male wrestling fans as being dim-witted jock-type knuckleheads (like the kind you find in high school, wearing the varsity jacket)

I know today’s society has become more apathetic (especially when hiding behind a keyboard) but this type of obnoxious behavior only makes them (the individuals) look bad. The lack of integrity is appalling.

Intellectual Appropriation

A Factual Refutation

The term “ghetto” does not connote relation to black people. The term originated in Italy during the seventeenth century, and had nothing to do with skin color.

The term “ghetto” refers to an area segregated and usually impoverished monetarily. So for black people to take offense to the term is almost a way of disparaging oneself.
And braids are not exclusive to blacks.

Nordic men, women, and children have a history of various braids. Also Celtic culture, as well as Greek culture all have a rich history of braiding. This disqualifies it from being logically considered “appropriation”

I’m not sure if it’s self entitlement, arrogance, or just malevolence but people were bullying this woman for wearing braids and I don’t understand what their rationale is. If any at all. For a people that constantly claim to be the strongest spiritually and mentally, they sure do get offended quite easily.

The New Stoner

Please watch this video.
A Popular Disparager

I find this video cynically disrespectful. This guy is up his high horse looking down at something he knows nothing about.

There are people who cover themselves with Tattoos that were seared into their flesh, and piercings that were punctured through their tongues, nipples, clitoris, eyebrows, etc. But they’re just “expressing individuality”

1. The people who claimed they were self-harmers, and say that you inspired them to change is questionable. Either they were lying about being cutters, or they were doing it as a trend.

2. Some people who cut are homeless, some are terminally ill and suffer on a daily basis. You do not know a person’s circumstances, nor do you know their reasons for harming themselves. So for you to sit atop your high horse and pass such presumptuous judgment on people who’s shoes you do not walk in, is preposterous.

3. There are teenagers who harm themselves for frivolous reasons of uncertainty, but there are also people who have more relevant and more humble reasons for what they do. Who are you or any of the cynics commenting w/disparages to cutters, to judge? There are people in this world who do things that are pointless and strange, and with all the different things that people do I can’t say that it’s fair for you to cast aspersions.

4. I am a person who has cut myself and based on your disparaging remarks towards “cutters” I gather that you’re offended by people like me. Please remember that you do not know what a person’s reason are, if you are not living their life. So you needn’t pass judgment on something you’re not experiencing yourself.

5. I know that cynicism and apathy have become the embracement of society these days, but humility has no room for either of the two. There are people who hurt others and don’t have this much aspersion cast upon them. 

6. People tend to criticize and lambast those whom they disagree with, or those who they do not understand. But it’s not necessary. If you disagree with people who cut themselves, and don’t know why they do: just let them be. You’re not holier than they are.a

7. The “Man” in this video was presumptuous, disparaging, arrogant, mean-spirited, insensitive, insinuative, immature, and judgmental. And in his own pompous way he thought he was being helpful or productive.

It was like a “Body Shamer” thinking he was inspiring people to lose weight by offending the into change. The only thing worse than a mean person is someone who feels their malevolence is justifiable. The worst thing about this guy is that he has Millions of viewers and a Blue Check on his social media accounts. Society loves hate and it loves cynacism.

This guy is a truly negative person who makes videos mocking and disparaging people who are different from himself. What disgusts me the most is how popular people like this are. Cynicism and apathy have definitely become the new drug. I call guys like this video host “stoner” because they are casting stones on others in the form of pompous aspersions.

The Cry of Stone Casters

I’ve been a on Social Media for a little more than seven years now. And in that time I have encountered the type of behavior that I thought I left behind in Elementary School. People being as brazenly-crass & disrespectful as undisciplined, and unruly children.

Recently I have virtually met some people whom I have developed quite a significant respect-for, and admiration-of. And although these people are considered to be “public figures” a term which people misinterpret often, they are still individuals with rights to respect and privacy.

But unfortunately there are some people in CyberSpace who lack integrity, humility, respect, and validation. These particular people spend their time and efforts sucking the energy out of others, and it is no coincidence that their common targets are always people of exceptional popularity.

These Energy Vampires if you will, are constantly speaking ill of popular people, but all of them are quickly offended when corrected by others.

What does it say about a person who has to constantly cast aspersions on others? What does it say about someone who has to insult others? Is it a feeling of self depreciation? Is it a feeling of uselessness and irrelevance? I’ve noticed that these types are always conceded and very full of haughtiness. Which comes as no surprise, if they would so expressively degrade others who are more acknowledged than they.

These types of people are a hindrance to the Social Evolution of this society, they keep many held back with their selfishness and disrespect. They deceive the current generation by making them think this type of behavior is okay, and simply a “freedom of expression”

These types of people should not be allowed to thrive, they are bullies in the purest sense of the term and must be made to suffer that which they have caused others to. If we are going to progress as an ever technologically-awakening Society, then these bullies have got to be weeded out and disabled.

If you don’t care for someone, theim being a celebrity or popularized does not give you the obligation to insult them. You can dislike someone without publicly disparaging them, and to their employer no less. Meanwhile, hiding behind an Avatar and Screen Name so that your employer, assuming that you do work, isn’t privy to your delinquency.


I have recently discovered that there are members of this society who feel that mockery can be intellectually vilified.

I had no idea that people were so cynical, to say that your teasing of another is justifiable is very distorted and quite revealing as to just how the reverence of one person to another, is diminishing.

Respect means more than “I won’t kill you” it also means “I won’t scoff at you because you’re different”. I thought this generation was Anti-bullying but there are many who misconstrued mockery for Constructive Criticism.

There are those who believe that a juvenile sense of cynicism is the same as “challenging an idea” but that’s completely inaccurate, challenging another person’s ideas do not include teasing them. And as I said to the atheists who made that claim: what need do you have to challenge another person’s beliefs (or “ideas” as you call them) anyway?

If you think that the strong faith that a person holds dear is foolishness or “fairy tales” then it shouldn’t be too big of a concern for you, should it? Mockery, cynicism, scoffing & ridicule are not acceptable. But to some, they are acceptable when directed towards religious people.

I’ve heard it said that “life’s not fair” which is what someone tells you after they’ve been unfair, but I say that it’s not “life” that is unfair…just the people in it.